Author: Emily Thomas
Emily is a dreamer and a pursuer of those dreams, which is why she is excited to be working with TravelSages. It has always been one (among many other) of her dreams to wander, gallivant, explore, discover – and then write about it.
Born and raised in the tranquil town of Fujairah, UAE, Emily has since encountered culture shock in her native homeland of India, spent years attempting to avoid frostbites in Michigan, frolicked on an exhilarating semester abroad in the UK, and hurtled through the beautiful insanity that is New York City unscathed. She recently graduated with an MA in Media Studies from The New School University and, after 10 years away, has found herself back home in UAE. Except, this time around, she is ready to delve into the big city life of Dubai and tell you about it.