Waterton Lakes National Park, the Canadian side of Glacier, is often overlooked for its more famous counterpart. I knew nothing about it before we stopped for a weekend, and was pleasantly impressed with a few of its more notable features. If you’re in the area or going to Glacier anyway, I recommend checking it out and hiking to Bertha Lake. The hike itself is moderate and is easy to complete in 3 to 4 hours if you hurry. However, there’s a 2ish mile path around Bertha Lake that is, in my opinion, the coolest part of the hike. During summer, the lake is surrounded by fields of wildflowers, and is flanked by large peaks, many of which are reddish. Because of this, half the rocky beaches surrounding the lake are bright red, which is a phenomenon I haven’t seen anywhere else other than Santorini, Greece. There’s also cell service there and a campground for backpackers. And, like all hikes in Canadian parks, this one is dog-friendly. As an added bonus, there are 2 dog-friendly patios that serve beer and food within Waterton: Zum’s and The Taco Bar.